Sorting Books

Sorting Books

Sorting our books was one of the hardest tasks we’ve tackled so far in our #RadicallyReducing project. We are both avid readers and wordsmiths. We have books dating back to our childhood and books that we’ve bought together. Some books remind us of special times in our lives while others have shaped our personal philosophy and spirituality and others are simply windows into fictional worlds that we return to again and again.

How to Shrink Your Library

How to Shrink Your Library

When it comes to books, people have very definite opinions. We carefully choose, read, and savor each and every book that comes into our home. Some people even consider characters to be another form of friend. Books can represent knowledge, status, and hold memories of the first time you read a story – or the time you re-read it during an emotional time of your life. All of that makes it that much harder to contemplate sorting through your books to decide whether to remove them from your library.

How to Reduce Your Wardrobe

How to Reduce Your Wardrobe

Clothing, style, and how we look can be intimately tied to our identity.

Purging our wardrobes to keep only those clothes that we actually wear on a regular basis flies in the face of this idea. Letting go of pieces of clothing can feel like letting go of pieces of our self, our past, our loved ones. Yet, for a de-cluttering or other reducing project, we have to find a way to make peace with that idea.

Take Care of Yourself While De-cluttering

Take Care of Yourself While De-cluttering

Tackling a de-cluttering project can be wrought with physical and emotional challenges. That’s why it’s so important to put yourself front and center when you plan out your sorting and purging schedule – and to keep self-care in mind throughout the entire process.