During the process of sorting our books, I came across a box that was marked donate/giveaway. I really wanted them to go to someone who would appreciate them. They were well-loved and well-read older paperbacks, the last of my science fiction and fantasy collection. I’d been holding onto them for several years. There really was no reason to drag these books with me to Kansas.
A friend had said they would take the books off my hands, but had a change of heart as downsizing and moving into their RV became a reality. He suggested I find the Little Free Libraries in my area. I knew about this project and had temporarily forgotten about it while in the throes of documenting reducing our lives.
I checked the internet and found the website for Little Free Libraries with a map that shows all registered little free libraries worldwide. There were at least six listed within a five-mile radius of my residence. Armed with my crumbling box of books, I set out to spread science fiction love in my neighborhood. I visited two private property libraries and a dentist’s office. I was surprised and actually thrilled to find businesses participating in this project.
The website has other very cool details about Little Free Libraries. You can acquire plans on how to build an LFL, places to donate books, how to support the non-profit organization, and of course the story of how it all began. Be sure to check it out to find an LFL in your area.
Started by Todd Bol the project has gone from just an idea in a small town in Minnesota to a worldwide effort with LFL’s sprouting up all over the globe. It has inspired another project called Little Free Pantries, or what have become known now as Blessing Boxes.
Please check out the Little Free Libraries in your community and consider donating books yourself — or if there isn’t an LFL in your neighborhood, go ahead and start one!