Sorting is Powerful
The act of sorting in itself can be quite powerful. When you own a lot of stuff, items get overlooked, missed. Closets and cupboards contain can hold more than the memory.
We found this to be true in our case so we created several videos highlighting this process. During the sorting process it is OK if you miss something. I certainly didn’t sweat it. I’m apt to record the process and tell you what happened. Getting angry about something to me is wasted energy.
In the first video Desert talks about how to deal with those things that you thought you had already sorted.
Some things are hard to Let go of
Another part of becoming a minimalist is not having so much stuff you forget you have it. Reducing down to just items you use everyday and a few things you know you will need, will help with the “Oh I forgot I had that!”
I found it to be empowering to be able to let go of the stuff that I didn’t remember I had. Conversely, I did find things that I thought were lost, items that I really do want to keep.
Some things are hard to let go of. The second video looks at artwork that D’Marie had “hidden” from themself.