30 Poems 30 Days: Creating a video poetry series

30 Poems 30 Days: Creating a video poetry series

Recently I took part in National Poetry Month (April). For some poets, the idea behind NPM is to write a new poem a day and publish it on one of the many platforms available. I decided to take a different path. I made a video poem a day from the extensive collection I’ve written over the years and posted these videos on my YouTube channel. That meant creating 30 individual video poem, one for each day of the month.

braindump #21: Creativity Imps and Self-care

I don’t know how your process works, but there are times when my brainwave activity kicks into superdrive and the ideas come, and there is an outpouring of art.

This happened a little over a week ago. I’m finally starting to decompress from all the activity, but I got some serious work done.

braindump #20: Tools For Artists and Zines

Over the last couple of years, I’ve been getting back into zine culture.

Zines have existed for a very long time. The recent history is traced back to the 1930’s and a way for science fiction writers and artists to put their work out in the public bypassing the publishers.