Studio Adventures

Art requires space. For some artists that means a corner of the kitchen table or a portable easel. For others a video camera, microphone, and a computer with editing software. The lucky ones have their own dedicated studio space.

As we plan our nomadic life we know we will need to create a space to create.  Our current dream is to convert a trailer that will be hitched to our RV. It will be specially fitted to carry our car on the road, then when we stop and park, the car comes out and worktables and stands pull down so we can make art. We’ll share blog posts, photos, and maybe even video of our progress when the time comes.

For now, we’ll share our lessons learned from our past — and present — studio spaces. We’ve set up worktables in a corner of a large room, converted spare bedrooms into work space, and even turned an old garage/workshop into a backyard studio.  And when we travel, even locally, we have our “portable art kit” so that we can keep creating.

Art Requires Space

We moved into a house three years ago that had a standing structure. The agreement, convert the space into a studio. It had been a garage, an apartment, and a workspace for a plumber. I took the initiative, and once we had access, began transforming this garage into a...

Achieving Order – 2011

this post originally appeared on D'Marie's personal blog on October 7, 2011 I didn't get around to the art room yesterday -- more paid work than I expected to have to do.  I did make some time today.  I managed to clear the clutter from the work table and sort some...

Chaos Before Order – 2011

this post originally appeared on D'Marie's personal blog on October 5, 2011 A few weeks ago I started a project to reorganize all my art supplies.  I made some headway the first day -- clearing out five drawers of stuff, throwing away or recycling a bunch of supplies...

check out more posts about our Studio Space.

Our Studios

Photos of past studio spaces

Full-sized Studio

When we moved into a house in Phoenix, one of the bonuses was a detached garage that could be turned into a studio. Which we did.

Check out the photos that showed the progression from storage space to working art studio.

You can also watch this video. It’s a walk-through of the early stages of the conversion process.

Past Studio Spaces

Over the years we’ve created “studio” space wherever we could. Sometimes converting a room in a rental house into a studio/workspace, other times just using a corner of a larger room.

Ultimately a “studio” can be any space, even a coffee shop or campsite. You just need supplies.


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